Carver County, Minnesota Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Carver County, Minnesota

Completely unprofessional with unreasonable expectations. Keeping someone in jail and rescheduling on them twice now at the last minute for something like an intake is out of the realm of fair and just. Being able to get ahold of ZERO people in the entire probation department for nearly two days is entirely unprofessional. I’m not sure how they expect anyone to look at them as an authority figure, or better yet, a resource for getting their life back on track when no one even answers their phone or calls you back after leaving multiple messages. If someone is in custody, that person should become a priority for a multitude of reasons. I am starting to wonder what the focus of this county is, to simply lock people up or to help people. I hope to God it’s the latter since it is peoples lives that will suffer or thrive because of it.

Hmm... seems we're having a hard time finding a registered probate clerk for this location, but we'd really appreciate you dropping us a note if you have a recommended probate clerk or probate judge in mind for us to add for this location: