Escambia County, Florida Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Escambia County, Florida

After being pulled over 13 times in a30 to 60 day period.... My hand does not work correctly& I look like a stick...went to pay the fine in full320 it was 420 100% Thanks for taking food out me and my son's mouth, I guess I'll sleep behind a dumpster since nothing is being done for the homeless. Major emotional distress. Are you'll catering to working citizens or paranoid schizophrenics??

Oh my Lord worst court house. They make their own laws up. Not allowed near a judge. Request are sent up to judge and who knows what goes on thereafter. Only sheriff's and attorneys are allowed near the judge. Jaded orders given out by judge.