Kalamazoo County, Michigan Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

Find helpful information, links and resources related to probate courts and probate courts in Kalamazoo County, Michigan

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Kalamazoo County, Michigan

Very helpful with obtaining guardianship. They offer free advise from probate lawyers 2x a month.

I would like to say that I sent a petition paperwork to the court house and I hope you get it and I need your email address so I can email you or you can email me at marrerojamie57@gmail.com please email me back let me know if you can help us with something

Hmm... seems we're having a hard time finding a registered probate clerk for this location, but we'd really appreciate you dropping us a note if you have a recommended probate clerk or probate judge in mind for us to add for this location:  support@weareatticus.com