Lamb County, Texas Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Lamb County, Texas

Today I took time, off from work (I live in Lubbock), to re-register my vehicle. I had verified the address that they have on file and made them aware that I would also be changing my address. After verifying the address they had on file and stating a portion of my new address, the young woman stated that I could not register my vehicle at that location. Upon getting confirmation of whether I would be able to register, in Lubbock, she stated that I could register anywhere in the state. I was given the address, to a United grocery and told that the store has a registration office, however upon calling the store, was told that location does not register, unless the vehicle had previously been registered in the county. I went back in, made the young woman aware of this, she brought her boss (who had a sour look on her face). Her boss told me that it was due to the statute, however did not show me the resource containing the statute or make me aware that this statute was available in a public publication. I looked it up and while it is in the Registration Handbook, I was not made aware of where the statute is located, by their staff. They then went back to reading their policy handbook and didn't even offer to write down the address or contact number of the location, they sent me to, in Lubbock, They stated that there was a registration office in "City Bank, behind the CVS on 34th street". Again, this was misinformation, as the actual location was not on 34th street or behind the CBS on 34th. Getting out of my car and walking up, to the door, the supervisor of that location was able to point me in the right direction of the correct City Bank.

Hmm... seems we're having a hard time finding a registered probate clerk for this location, but we'd really appreciate you dropping us a note if you have a recommended probate clerk or probate judge in mind for us to add for this location: