Palo Pinto County, Texas Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Palo Pinto County, Texas

A stately, solid old sandstone courthouse. Even though the sidewalk around it says 1906, the building was not constructed until 1940-42, and was built as a part of the WPA (Works Projects Administration). Some of the sandstone used in construction was recycled from the exterior of the second courthouse (this is the third). The style is considered Moderne with Renaissance Revival touches. Did not visit interior. (info from National Record of Historic Places)

Hmm... seems we're having a hard time finding a registered probate clerk for this location, but we'd really appreciate you dropping us a note if you have a recommended probate clerk or probate judge in mind for us to add for this location: