Rains County, Texas Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Rains County, Texas

With all due respect to law enforcement personnel and justice figures, I have seen (firsthand) just the opposite of justice being served in this county in recent years. People have and are facing lifetime convictions based on heresay, past convictions, and little to no evidence. We can be living a normal worry-free life, and out of the blue be charged and convicted of a crime that may not have been committed in the first place. This can have a lifelong affect on a person and their entire family. And those who are consistent in breaking or manipulating law have been allowed to run freely with no worries. I urge all those who serve public office or take part in enforceing law, do just that. If you take fighting crime seriously, then you should, therefore take the extra effort to find TRUTH so that the wrong people aren't convicted, and to be sure that a crime ever took place in the first place beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT. It is truly sad and disheartening what is taking place in little good 'ole Rains county Texas USA. I don't care what crime it is, you should be considered INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. Civil rights have been violated and high crimes are being committed by those who are supposed to fight crime, not enable it. In the end, justice WILL be served by God in Heaven.