Travis County, Texas Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Travis County, Texas

I will re-review this post after I finally finish up with the probate court. A male person in the intake/files area was and has been very helpful but is in a position to be able to go only so far on my behalf. Likewise, a female worker in that area has tried to work for me. However, I have not received the type of service I believe I should be getting when my file went to the finalization area. I was compelled recently to pay an in-person visit because of delays upon delays and when I explained my needs, I was told I would be called and when I made further inquiries when I wasn't called, I called my "files" contact. He walked down the hall for me, made inquiries to this finalization area, and called me back to tell me they won't talk to me----only my lawyer. I don't understand this. UPDATE: I'm now all done with the probate process. I came to understand three things: (1) things take time---breathe deep, be patient and (2) the legal system's laws, rules and regs change from year to year, even in the probate area. This can be confusing to everyone, even attorneys. And finally, (3) if an attorney is involved in any of this, one should not take out one's frustration with the court, rather take it out on the attorney. That's what they get paid for. I thank the court and especially the Files area. This has been a learning experience for me, as old as I am. Wade Williams