Douglas County, Kansas Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Douglas County, Kansas

Like other people reviews about this clerk, ive had negative experiences. With that being said, my negative experience with the clerks was due only to my lack of knowledge and preparation . Today I filed four motions, last week two motions all pro se. I had a very positive experience with a clerk who gave me every ounce of help she could legally provide. She was fantastic. She was collected and wanted to be sure everything was right . she made my stressful situation less hectic with her demeanor. Do not blame the clerks for your lack of knowledge. Prepare yourself accordingly and you will prosper. Edited:4.16.20. I currently have been undermined in this court system and its truly embarrassing that although I represent myself, all hearings and motions should be same method regardless if I have representation or not. This really is a one star system that needs to be criminally investigated.