Tippecanoe County, Indiana Probate Courts & Clerks

Atticus Probate Courts

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The probate court with controlling jurisdiction is generally within the state and county where one primarily lives.
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Tippecanoe County, Indiana

Wow, what a building!!! It is such a unique design. I had never been to Lafayette before and was truly impressed by this buildings architecture in the center of town. impressive level of detail!!!

son james paid back his debt to society and is doing much better now. he is still a burden

When I had called to see the status on a petition filed, A lady named Dee answered. This lady cut me off before I could explain why I was calling, even after she asked what I was calling about, and at one point she even stated “that’s not what I asked.” She preceded in hanging up on me before I finished speaking to her. Someone who’s job it is to work with people shouldn’t be allowed to interact and treat people like this. This is incredibly unprofessional.